
I am deeply grateful for the hard work and dedication of my former and present students who helped to make this manuscript possible: Amanda Banat, Stacy Butler, Ryan Dreveskracht, Megan Hendricks, Danielle Hiraldo, Shasta Kilminster-Hadley, Amanda Kucich, Kevin Linoue, Nicole Ong, Vanessa Picard, Pankaj Raval, DeAnna Rivera, and Jennifer Szoke.
I want to heap special praise for those students who contributed solidly to the crafting of text and footnotes: Joel Feinman, Ron Gard, and Eric Pavri.
The transition from manuscript to the web could not have been possible without the gifted talents of Tory Fodder and Michael Wagenheim, and I thank them for their collaborative vision.

Lastly, and with sincere admiration, I thank Barbara Lopez, a colleague at the law school, who worked tirelessly to take my handwritten scribbles and physically prepare the manuscript for production.

All photos by Chandra Lear unless otherwise attributed.

Thank you to Susan Fassberg at for permission to use the Osani photograph on the Globalization and Its Special and Significant Impacts on Indigenous Communities page.