• Poisons and Antidotes

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    This link is dedicated to continually updating the text, identifying instances of accelerated inhumanity and inanity in the world-the poisons-followed by kinetic responses - the antidotes - to countermand such abuses. Sometimes, the antidotes are clever and enlightened, other times preposterous and poisonous in themselves.

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  • The Iliad and The Idiodyssey

    The Iliad and The Idiodyssey Blog image

    Here, we connect to the EcoLiterateLaw Blogspot-my Ranting page-where elemental and non-judicious foam may be bitten into wounds like the grinding delivery of a Gila Monster.

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  • C.O.L.T.

    Camp for Oppositional Lawyer Training image

    C.O.L.T., or the Camp for Oppositional Lawyer Training, envisions future gatherings of Bioneers-minded lawyers and MsBA, warehoused and fed well for week-long action-generating collaborations. The idea originated from an article highlighting similar sessions for architects-the Camp for Oppositional Architecture.

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  • The Future of Life on Planet Earth

    The Future of Life on Planet Earth image

    Or, FLPE, or Philippe (though not necessarily embodying all French ideals, just the ones surrounding Slow Food and vast fields of lavender) is my articulation of future endeavors. There are many Noble Deeds and Championship Ideas out there still to be mined. I want to support caring authors by engraving their wisdom onto silver tablets like Robert Graves' scribes who scored the origin of his Utopian Society in "Seven Days In New Crete."

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